Git Repositories#

We split the project into the following repositories:

Main repositories for development#

  • implementation
    • The ROS implementation of the software that runs in the RPI, including the autonomous driving logic developed by our team.

  • embedded-platform
    • The software that runs in the Nucleo board and that is responsible for communicating with sensors (distance sensors, encoders) and actuators (DC motor, wheel servo motor).

    • Contains custom support for the three distance sensors that were added to the car.

  • simulator
    • The ROS project for simulating the competition environment.

    • Contains some changes to the tracks layout and simulator initialization settings, so that it would run acceptably on not very potent hardware.


  • snippets
    • Code snippets, experiments, implementations. Mostly Jupyter notebooks and algorithm implementations.

Additional repositories#

  • docs
    • This documentation.

  • startup
    • This repository is not relevant, but it does contain some examples of using UDP to communicate with the car. It contains all the code to control the car (as in the implementation repository, but without the autonomous driving logic), but without using ROS.